What I do instead of studying monetary policy...

Yeah i know i should be writing an essay on the neutrality of monetary policies, but how could I with Fall Down to play??
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**EDIT** Another game!! --CHAIN REACTION--

Music - Jason Mraz - The Remedy
Music - Jason Mraz - The Remedy
Monetary Economics sucks...
You changed the font on your blog dude? The RHS menu goes to the bottom when viewed with relative medium font size, but changing it to smaller it puts the menu in it's rightful place - I think it has something to do with your children in need post... but feh..
Anonymous, at 3:54 AM
Thanks for the comment, anyone-but-"anonymous" lol but still, to address your problem, the blog seems to work under 1024x768 resolution on university network computers, could it be your screen resolution? But i will endeavour to fix the problem for all those whose monitors can't handle owt higher than 800x600.
Anonymous, at 1:04 PM
I'm on 1600x1200
Anonymous, at 3:05 PM
well the site is optimized for 1152x768, yet works fine on 1024x768, so stop using such a hi-tech resolution ya big moo...
bbBear, at 3:42 PM
It's not a resolution problem, it's a font problem.
Works fine in Firefox and when you put the font to smaller in I.E., It's the top parts of the blog (Contact/Donate)
Is this your subliminal way of moving everyone to Firefox? Make sites not work in IE? (-:
Anonymous, at 5:30 PM
" Is this your subliminal way of moving everyone to Firefox? Make sites not work in IE? (-: "
Shhh... your not supposed to reveal THAT bit, bloody hell man i don't wanna delete your comment but revealing my plans to the world like that..... Still i'm sure there's always space on your blog to bash all things Anti-IE - shows how much corporate greeds get to innocent impressionable people like yourselves.... hahaha
Anonymous, at 7:02 PM
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