bbBear's Spot

Thursday, December 15, 2005

I fear we have too much time on our hands...

Oh how i wish i could have said the same for me.... Yeah this blog hasn't been updated in a while with a proper decent, Bear-sized post and for that i apologise. Time is a battle for which we never win (except in Kingdom Hearts using Stopra). I know it would be easy for me to write and moan about the injustices of life and the world but we've been there before, no? So this will be a nice happy post full of information and weak-excuses...

So to start off, the delay has been essays, yes thats right, you guessed! Go get yourself a gold star! Argh, essays on monetary policy and about the euro have taken their toll on me, making me even more lathargic than usual. Theo nly thing that got me through it was vast amounts of that sweet, sweet beverage Coke but then read the horror about how it would take me around 280 cans of Coke to finish me off (sorry no links) and i guessed it would be easier just to stick that fork into the toaster and make warm Bear.....mmm toasty Bear...... *ahem*

Still, aside from that, what else? Well, to the joy of Dave's worldwide, Firefox 1.5 was released around a month ago. Click the link to download it. My opinion? As worthy as my opinion is, I give it 4 out of 5, only because the BBC's rss link (plus dave's one - although what have you come to expect from a guy who has a fully operational Emu farm??) crash every second click but maybe it's just my operating system. But news that Firefox accoutns for 10% of the market (and growing) still pleases me and Dave, so lets keep downloading it and spreading the word, ok?? Oh, to make yours unique, i suggest clicking here...

No doubt I will post again before christmas, so i will bid you a merry kwanza then and not now, and i know people have been complaining about not enough news links, so here's a quick list of stuff to read before the next post, courtesy of
So my furry friends that should keep you interested till the next post soon, and check out Dave's blog, as much as i hate to say it - he's finally updated it! I guess miracles do happen...


Music - NOFX - Franco Unamerican


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