bbBear's Spot

Sunday, March 27, 2005

This is a no-smoking area. Thank you

Yes I know it's been two days, but still, can you people not get enough? Would you like me to spend every waking moment describing my life and its contents?

Sheesh. Anywhy yes I have been AFK for the past couple days, for I am a busy person, with things to do, people to see, business to sort out. So be thankful I've taken 5 minutes spare to sit down in front of this mind-melting monitor. Yesterday was very good, out with old acquanitences hehe, although only two-thirds of The Cheesemeisters were present. The third erm third? Well, that i don't know, maybe they've deflected to the Gothic side, alas it breaks my heart to hear of such demotions. But to the people who did attend, my heart-filled gratitude, for it was ajoy to be a part of. Today? Well I was away then too, away from the noise, the flicker of a 75hz monitor and all that shit.

So what of the future? That, I do not know. My crystal balls shattered so the future is unbeknown to me. It may involve.... Economics, perhaps even supply and demand diagrams. But remember, to know the future is to not have one. Not only have i grown more mature (oi, stop laughin') but more philosphical, wiser like a Bear should.
If there is anyone, and i do mean anyone with a Neopet account, please do let me know. I is important for I have set up a shop in Neopia (link bottom right), and need a co-manager and/or contributor(s) to it. I don't mind lending NP to any new accounts to help them on their way, but the shop is getting bigger and bigger and its getting outta hand, with time and that, so I need people to contribute to it. Your commission for this deed? 50%. Yep, 50% of the money on the item will be returned right back at ya. So if you are interested, then do let me know. To all people who don't have an account, do get one, it is a great thing to do. To all you people saying its "too immature" or for "girls", how about you take my advice and go f... ...


Music - Catch 22 - Day In Day Out


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