bbBear's Spot

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Oh, word?

Well, seeing asmost have updates their blog, I thought it was about time I did mine. The last couple of posts have been ditty's i've found on random quests through the interweb, although where they came from is anybody's guess, cos THEY NEVER LEAVE COMMENTS!! So go on, i ask ya. If you found this site haphazardly, maybe I left a comment on your sign, do the decent netiquette thing and leave a comment on here, thats what their for. You never know, it may some stress reliever thing and all the tension leaves you and your like "Oh, that was cool" and use the WAP on your 3G phone to tell all and sun-dried tomatoes what a great place this is to chill. I hope. If you wish to leave messages, yet remain anonymouse, then send me an email, the address is on the right there, and I can answer such questions as:
Dear bbBear,
Y R U so cool? Ma frenz think ur well buff! Can u teach us 2 b kewl?


Yo yo yo bbBear - - - what would you look like as a Japanese cartoon and what would it be about?

And there ya go really, in conclusion: IF YOU VISIT, LEAVE COMMENTS!!!

So asides from that, what else? Well, warm greetz to all who was out in town last nite, not that any of the mvisit the site, this is where a mass spam attack promoting this site will come in handy - in Yahoo! Games sites, and on IRC, the shit and dirge on EFNet, like #l33t_hax0rz. Pfff, global IP ban my ass. Special shout out to the second cheesemeister, who alas couldnt stay till the end but nevertheless enjoyed some of the town's cheese. I do gotta say he missed some fine cheese though, like Happy Days and some others that do escape me, but i ask him and for readers to unite and get an email petition to get the third and final cheesemeister out, seems he doesn't want to be in such an esteemed organisation anymore... I may have to advertise a vacancy for this soon if he doesn't pull fingers out of arseholes, his or anyone else's.

WEll now, after all that, it is now time for me to depart and enjoy this sunshine we're having and get myself as tantastic, not that i'm not anyway. Thunderstorms are on the horizon, and i do believe it was the great prophets Oasis who said "Some might say, that sunshine follows thunder..." Erm, yeah, so on that note, toodles!


Music - Guano Apes - Maria


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