bbBear's Spot

Thursday, June 02, 2005

So much for my happy ending

Let's talk this over, it's not like we're dead....zzzzzz.....CRACKLE......zzzz

Woooo, dunno what came over me, it was the power of that teen Canadian temptress, with her flowing locks and her overall general Canadian-ness. Dahm her!

So welcome to the first post in June, I'm glad you got here safely and didn't get lost in the quagmire of the interweb. Not much to report on this second day in June, firstly a new blog has appeared on my ESSENTIAL LINKIES! to the right there, more photo based but still worth anyone's time, and my Amazon Wishlist to anyone that wants to know what i'd want from that fabulous shop. Note, not EVERYTHING i want is listed on that wishlist, just music based, and its not a comprehensive list either, so I mean come on students and non-students (the lucky ones), use your initiative, or did you drink it all away.

Another thing i noticed, was on the "Hehe Alpha" post, i always mention what song i'm listening to the moment i press Publish post, alas on that post i got the name wrong, it isn't Chris who takes it on his chin, its Scott Farcas, urgh how i feel disgusted with myself for getting such a trivial matter wrong. As well, no new Strongbad email - what is it about this cursed month? It has produced some absolute gems, like Jeffries Fan Club, and Forces of Evil, but aside from that, nothing... (Check 'em out on the links provided or on my Wishlist)...wretched June....

So I was gonna play me some Mario 64, however the Royal Mail have screwed my ass over yet again, so i'll have to make do with Midtown Madness, with the awesome VW beetle... Heavy! If you get bored or miss me too much, check out this story about GM lowering the price of cars, it is interesting, i tells ya...


Music - Forces Of Evil - Fight


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