He who is persuasive (Who sells)...
Applause, applause no wait wait, dear readers I have an announcement to make... Well actually no i don't, just wanted to start off with something a bit more abstract and soixante-neuf than usual, what with my super dooper vision and very small handwriting...Compliment? More on that later.
Anyway, enough of that stuff, let's get down to some funky business to which your here, what's been happening since the last time I posted? Well, as you may remember, a short time ago I had ads and a Google search box on this site, which paid me every time someone used it or clicked on the ads, just for some pocket money for me (y'know, being a student isn't all grapes and caviar, no matter what they say on Hollyoaks), but Google caught wind of the fact I was making more money than they could handle, and were stereotyping the fact blogs don't get hits or ads. I went "Oi!" with a finger pointed in the air, but alas they didn't lsiten but said me this funky email instead:
Hello bbBear (Polite as ever)
It has come to our attention that invalid clicks have been generated on the Google ads on your site(s) (What??). Anywho, we have therefore disabled your Google Adsense account.
Thievery! Thy name is Google Adsnse (No link - they don't deserve it), so that's about it on the techinical front, which infiltrated my personal regions. But what else? Well, in the previous post I did mention about MySpace, which the Communist loves apprantly, but if you haven't seen my profile, check it out here, and do add me to your list, so we can create an army that can rid the world of MySpace and Google Adsense bwah-hah-hah! But the good thing about Myspace (Yes, it has good points to) is the fact it's opened my ears to new music - well new as in the sense I haven't heard it before, and I like to think of myself as open to new music, with its variance, so it's all good. New music that caught my ears and made me buy the album(s) (YES, i do buy music albums!) include: Hot Hot Heat, Panic! At the Disco and Copperpot. So do check them out, its all good....
So what else aside from being chided by Google and listening to new music? Erm, oh yeah this weeked was my housemate's 20-first birfday, with pics posted soon I believe, so check out his space for details, but it was good yo, with good food (pork scratchings), good drink (black Aftershocks), and good people (Myself and er.......well thats it really!), so don't believe the truth if you saw pix of me with bleary eyes, they're photoshopped i tells ya... Oh and a tip from me? Don't let drunken students go anywhere near toasters, bloody dangerous they are, both students and toasters alike, in some glorious evil malevolent matrimony...
So kids, that was a big ol' post, filled with chagrin and cheese, and as ever will leave you with a couple of news stories to check out till my next post, that include: the guys who tried to save that whale last weekend now face a £300 parking bill, and the news that scientists have discovered a spider can carry 170 times its body weight whilst hanging from a ceiling - now why can't humans do that...
Music - Copperpot - Anything I Ever Do
Anyway, enough of that stuff, let's get down to some funky business to which your here, what's been happening since the last time I posted? Well, as you may remember, a short time ago I had ads and a Google search box on this site, which paid me every time someone used it or clicked on the ads, just for some pocket money for me (y'know, being a student isn't all grapes and caviar, no matter what they say on Hollyoaks), but Google caught wind of the fact I was making more money than they could handle, and were stereotyping the fact blogs don't get hits or ads. I went "Oi!" with a finger pointed in the air, but alas they didn't lsiten but said me this funky email instead:
Hello bbBear (Polite as ever)
It has come to our attention that invalid clicks have been generated on the Google ads on your site(s) (What??). Anywho, we have therefore disabled your Google Adsense account.
Thievery! Thy name is Google Adsnse (No link - they don't deserve it), so that's about it on the techinical front, which infiltrated my personal regions. But what else? Well, in the previous post I did mention about MySpace, which the Communist loves apprantly, but if you haven't seen my profile, check it out here, and do add me to your list, so we can create an army that can rid the world of MySpace and Google Adsense bwah-hah-hah! But the good thing about Myspace (Yes, it has good points to) is the fact it's opened my ears to new music - well new as in the sense I haven't heard it before, and I like to think of myself as open to new music, with its variance, so it's all good. New music that caught my ears and made me buy the album(s) (YES, i do buy music albums!) include: Hot Hot Heat, Panic! At the Disco and Copperpot. So do check them out, its all good....
So what else aside from being chided by Google and listening to new music? Erm, oh yeah this weeked was my housemate's 20-first birfday, with pics posted soon I believe, so check out his space for details, but it was good yo, with good food (pork scratchings), good drink (black Aftershocks), and good people (Myself and er.......well thats it really!), so don't believe the truth if you saw pix of me with bleary eyes, they're photoshopped i tells ya... Oh and a tip from me? Don't let drunken students go anywhere near toasters, bloody dangerous they are, both students and toasters alike, in some glorious evil malevolent matrimony...
So kids, that was a big ol' post, filled with chagrin and cheese, and as ever will leave you with a couple of news stories to check out till my next post, that include: the guys who tried to save that whale last weekend now face a £300 parking bill, and the news that scientists have discovered a spider can carry 170 times its body weight whilst hanging from a ceiling - now why can't humans do that...
Music - Copperpot - Anything I Ever Do
Those bastards (aka google), given that they're worth billions more than anyone else, you think they could spare a few illegal clicks !
Save the Radio 4 Theme !
Anonymous, at 2:07 AM
Precisely!! You are so right, how could a little Bear like me make that much of a difference to the uber-profits of Google?
Oh, and the link for the Radio 4 theme what, "anonymouse" was talking about is here:
bbBear, at 1:28 PM
i am sure u are annoyed with google and will never use them again, but u can use another internet site like yahoo. I see u had a good party last weekend, which is good, and the part where u mention, never allow a drunk person near toaster, is funny.
Anonymous, at 2:38 PM
1.) I'd never use Yahoo since they sold out the rights of users to the US Justice Dept.
2.) Thx for the comments bro!
bbBear, at 2:42 PM
Google rocks though as a company, facist, business like.
Not communist!
but they're still bastards
Save the Radio 4 Theme!
Anonymous, at 11:37 PM
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