bbBear's Spot

Sunday, April 09, 2006

To think there's nothing wrong is a problem...

Hmm, perculiar headings abundant this week, but today's one is nothing to fear, so don't go thinking I've gone all emo on you guys - would I sell out that quickly? Well maybe, for enough moolah and a bag of wild berry Skittles, but after managing to acquire myself a Jason Mraz concert from here, although having seen him live myself, it never struck me until I listened to the concert how great his voice actually is live, I don't think watching him on TRL does him justice somehow, so it was cool to listen to it, and the heading, well it kinda struck me when he sung it from Mr Curiosity. Still, another man's junk is another man's treasure eh?

Well now, what else has happened. Oooh yeah, good ol' Baldwin croaks it in front of 12 million viewers, now you see, as much as I was with them watching it, did it bring a tear to my eye? Well no, not with immortal lines like "Barlow your finished!" hehe, it made me chuckle somewhat, it's good to know if Sir Alan Sugar decides The Apprentice isn't for him, Baldwin could get a job doing that, albeit with a somewhat darker, murkier catchphrase then others. Saying that he could become a Mafioso, but you know, who am I to give career advice? But just in case Johnny Briggs decides he is unsure of what to do now in life, email me bud - address is on the right!!

Made me quite excited being a careers advisor there - something to consider after my exams i guess? But with them being around 3 weeks away, I don't have long to dream of what ex-Coronation Street stars could do with their time, no I could figure out and decipher international debt and how the Euro would affect an economy. Yes kids, it's that exciting, but it's for the future (or so they say) so you know what, what's these 3 weeks if it means a better chance in life? Urgh, sounds like something from The Waltons, bah, i'll never stoop to that level, but I hope you guys are working hard and revising even harder, right? Or is it just me??

Hmm, well on that note i'll leave y'all be to revise everything from War History to the Architecture of the Italian Renaissance (*shudder*) but as ever I leave you with a couple of news bits, including how your discarded soft drink can could get you arrested (wha?), 8 people found dead on a farm in Ontario, and how penguins survived when dinosaurs died. Can't say I don't leave you with exciting news.


Music - The Feeling - Sewn


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