What were you people thinking??
More on that later, but first, a number of people asked me "Yo Bear" (Well ok, maybe not yo, but some sort of "slang"), "Bear, what's this Dofus thing your banging on about?", so I said, "Homes" (Yea, i got me into the slang too), "check out my blog for the 411 on it", so here is a liddle FAQ for you to peruse.
1.) What is Dofus?
Its an MMORPG.
2.) What;s an MMORPG?
Check here
3.) I geddit - why not play the uber-kewl World Of Warcraft?
It's not my cup of PG
4.) You pay money to play this?
Nope, it's free to play, but to pay you get more benefits and explore more of the world.
5.) So your paying for it then?
NO NO NO, at this present time I lack the capital to pay for such treats. Like this. and real food
6.) So I downloaded and played it, where can I find YOU??
Search for "desiredchoice", i'll be round somewhere
7.) Shouldn't you be working on essays instead of fighting vicious roses
Indeed I should, but you tell me what a little Bear is to do miles from happiness with more change in the Chelsea football team than in his pocket =)
8.) Are you really that skint?
Nah, i kid. But i did have a great meal last night, consisting of all the things that hadn't gone off in the rubbish bin. Who knew scavaging was such a delight?
9.) Ok...lastly, where can I find more information
Well, with that out of the way, back to my least favourite subject - me!! Heh, I kid. Still, what's been the happening haps? Well, I forgot to mention last time but a couple of weeks ago now Jason Mraz played his gig in London which was pretty awesome as it goes, it did encourage me to go out and buy his second album, which I must say sounds pretty nifty - enough to move paws in time to the beat :), aside from that it's been mainly working on coursework (I tell you i'm falling in love with Slovenia more and more), travelling and fighting inner demons (cool huh) with Cherry 7up and Placebo. Oh and my heartfelt sympathy goes to the Commie Dave, whose just found out some shocking news, so read it up people. Props to him and XFM for the new Embrace song, take a listen to it here, I can't get it out of my head, and could possibly one of the songs of 2006, that's if I dont overplay it to death, listening to it even now whilst writing this.
Alas readers, we had the best of times, and the worst of times, so now it is time for me to depart and return to finding out return air fares to Slovenia. Oh before I forgot, the heading, yeah, well check out KT Tunstall live at the V festival 2005, performing her heartfelt ballad, it's the best performace I've seen of it, and her intro, well its funkeh to say the least. Is it true? Well, i'll leave y'all to decide, but I leave you today with liddle news bitties, such as the Lego USB drive!!, John Barnes making his "rapping" comeback (ummmm), oh and apprantly I'm being signed to Chelsea. Tara.
Music - Embrace - Nature's Law
1.) What is Dofus?
Its an MMORPG.
2.) What;s an MMORPG?
Check here
3.) I geddit - why not play the uber-kewl World Of Warcraft?
It's not my cup of PG
4.) You pay money to play this?
Nope, it's free to play, but to pay you get more benefits and explore more of the world.
5.) So your paying for it then?
NO NO NO, at this present time I lack the capital to pay for such treats. Like this. and real food
6.) So I downloaded and played it, where can I find YOU??
Search for "desiredchoice", i'll be round somewhere
7.) Shouldn't you be working on essays instead of fighting vicious roses
Indeed I should, but you tell me what a little Bear is to do miles from happiness with more change in the Chelsea football team than in his pocket =)
8.) Are you really that skint?
Nah, i kid. But i did have a great meal last night, consisting of all the things that hadn't gone off in the rubbish bin. Who knew scavaging was such a delight?
9.) Ok...lastly, where can I find more information
Well, with that out of the way, back to my least favourite subject - me!! Heh, I kid. Still, what's been the happening haps? Well, I forgot to mention last time but a couple of weeks ago now Jason Mraz played his gig in London which was pretty awesome as it goes, it did encourage me to go out and buy his second album, which I must say sounds pretty nifty - enough to move paws in time to the beat :), aside from that it's been mainly working on coursework (I tell you i'm falling in love with Slovenia more and more), travelling and fighting inner demons (cool huh) with Cherry 7up and Placebo. Oh and my heartfelt sympathy goes to the Commie Dave, whose just found out some shocking news, so read it up people. Props to him and XFM for the new Embrace song, take a listen to it here, I can't get it out of my head, and could possibly one of the songs of 2006, that's if I dont overplay it to death, listening to it even now whilst writing this.
Alas readers, we had the best of times, and the worst of times, so now it is time for me to depart and return to finding out return air fares to Slovenia. Oh before I forgot, the heading, yeah, well check out KT Tunstall live at the V festival 2005, performing her heartfelt ballad, it's the best performace I've seen of it, and her intro, well its funkeh to say the least. Is it true? Well, i'll leave y'all to decide, but I leave you today with liddle news bitties, such as the Lego USB drive!!, John Barnes making his "rapping" comeback (ummmm), oh and apprantly I'm being signed to Chelsea. Tara.
Music - Embrace - Nature's Law
Yay another Embrace fan :) love the track !
Update for the biggest scandle of the 21st century, is that there's five sequences the game has followed since the beginning of Season 2.
It was spotted by the producers and they've fixed it, the last show to use the sequence will be next Wednesday.
Anonymous, at 12:43 PM
I didn't know the show was done by seasons, i mean 6 eps a week, 4 weeks = 24eps a month :S How many eps a season? Hmm, but to be honest I never noticed the dishonesty thats in the game, props to you for noticing!
The Dave Club sends their sincerest sympathies to you at this news.
bbBear, at 12:55 PM
I think it was about 75 episodes in the first Season, that was how many they comissioned (I believe it was Halloween to Christmas for First Season? Second season started mid January)...
We need to hope one of the next four players was clever enough to notice the sequence and screw the show out of £250,000!
I'd try Dofus btw but not now, after exams more than likely
Anonymous, at 1:28 PM
Oh right, I wonder if someone has written an episode guide - that might be worth doing in the holidays, although I did that for Sudoku - only lasted 3 weeks =)
And yeah Dofus is free to try, can do a fair bit, if you have concerns do ask me, I will put your mind at ease - unlike Channel 4 who will refuse to confirm or deny they are cheaters - what with their web entry not working for DOND either...
bbBear, at 1:44 PM
Well I did almost what you said ...
Works well with DFX 7.0, without it, it sounds rather too quiet.
But still isn't bad to tie me over till March 27th! Preordering that album I tell you.
Anonymous, at 4:25 AM
oh my god, you decompiled the flash on the site? I never expected you to do that in a million years - thank you so much!
You could always preorder the album, or y'know...could do what the mcrafty students do and use the darker side of the internet to get it?...
bbBear, at 10:37 AM
Well one could say I did that, more than likely I got a recording program and recorded the stereo output from pressing listen on the site
Anonymous, at 2:51 PM
Don't ruin the magic man, it sounds more impressive that you decompiled a site of Flash then recorded it like you said.
Live the dream anonymous!!!
bbBear, at 3:12 PM
Just for convenience
Anonymous, at 1:52 PM
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