I'll be here and you'll be gone further...
Dear me readers, can it already be 10 days since the last update on here? Just when you think the public are satisfied with you updating your blog, along come the guys who hammer that F5 key 20 times a day expecting an update. As much as my life is remained closed, and a blog is the opposite, you can't honestly expect me to update this thing like 20 times a day - can you? Honestly? Erm, well, no it isn't gonna happen. Sorry!!
So what is the dilleo this time? Well, in the spare 10 minutes I got from writing an essay as to whether a country should join the single currency, I decided to jump here and give you new spanking news. If I had any to write of course. This post, alas is like the prior one - full of "writing essays" and "revising" for this. Oh, intersperse that with bouts of classic SMB and the odd Kenco coffee, then well, you got my life at present. Aside from the travelling and what not. I tells ya, the public transport companies are gonna cry into their foccaccia bread and Mochacino (*sp?) when I start driving - hoo-ha, a little Bear, grabbing the wheel with his little paws trying to peer over the dashboard. Marvelous!
What has got me excited however is the video of the new Nintendo DS Lite, which, would be in my possession, if not for a lack of a job =), still time is of the (vanilla) essence so I won't worry my life away regarding getting a job today. But tomorrow - well if you believe Ronan then if tomorrow never comes, then, er, ooh-er, then i'm FCUK'ed basically. Enough of that, how are you today, I must say, you have done your hair well. Me, a lack of hair means I can't compliment myself, but don't worry, I still do the same self-affirmation rituals you lot do, falling in love with myself looking in the mirror, getting lost in my eyes...
Ahem. On that personal note (to which your all excited, in that specific, lustful way I seen on Hollyoaks), I'm off to continue discussing the benefits of country X joining the single currency. Nothing much on the post front from others, aside from The Communist ranting about anti-piracy techniques - that guy must calm himself, doesn't wanna get too excited over iTunes... So I leave you today, as ever, with various posts, including Conan's meeting with, erm, well check it yourself! - erm, how recently-deceased Milosevic took the wrong drugs and if you like Google Earth, try Google Mars!! Check out the photos of those badboys on the god of War's planet. Oh yeah, check out why Chelsea boss Mourinho is wetting himself over me. Honestly, its true.
Music - Ronan Keating - If Tomorrow Never Comes
So what is the dilleo this time? Well, in the spare 10 minutes I got from writing an essay as to whether a country should join the single currency, I decided to jump here and give you new spanking news. If I had any to write of course. This post, alas is like the prior one - full of "writing essays" and "revising" for this. Oh, intersperse that with bouts of classic SMB and the odd Kenco coffee, then well, you got my life at present. Aside from the travelling and what not. I tells ya, the public transport companies are gonna cry into their foccaccia bread and Mochacino (*sp?) when I start driving - hoo-ha, a little Bear, grabbing the wheel with his little paws trying to peer over the dashboard. Marvelous!
What has got me excited however is the video of the new Nintendo DS Lite, which, would be in my possession, if not for a lack of a job =), still time is of the (vanilla) essence so I won't worry my life away regarding getting a job today. But tomorrow - well if you believe Ronan then if tomorrow never comes, then, er, ooh-er, then i'm FCUK'ed basically. Enough of that, how are you today, I must say, you have done your hair well. Me, a lack of hair means I can't compliment myself, but don't worry, I still do the same self-affirmation rituals you lot do, falling in love with myself looking in the mirror, getting lost in my eyes...
Ahem. On that personal note (to which your all excited, in that specific, lustful way I seen on Hollyoaks), I'm off to continue discussing the benefits of country X joining the single currency. Nothing much on the post front from others, aside from The Communist ranting about anti-piracy techniques - that guy must calm himself, doesn't wanna get too excited over iTunes... So I leave you today, as ever, with various posts, including Conan's meeting with, erm, well check it yourself! - erm, how recently-deceased Milosevic took the wrong drugs and if you like Google Earth, try Google Mars!! Check out the photos of those badboys on the god of War's planet. Oh yeah, check out why Chelsea boss Mourinho is wetting himself over me. Honestly, its true.
Music - Ronan Keating - If Tomorrow Never Comes
Embrace album is out
By non legal legal methods of course though
Not bad, but I prefere Out Of Nothing.
Anonymous, at 11:29 PM
and the Japanese Mario is so much better, I can get to 8-1 in about a minute, but can't do that map :(
Damn my speed runs
Anonymous, at 11:30 PM
Non legal legal methods? Hmm, I dunno about that... but Japanese Mario? Got a link for it?
bbBear, at 9:28 AM
It's on the same site, just search of Mario, it's the other version.
It's slightly faster in my view dude.
And non legal methods means
private music tracker.
Anonymous, at 11:15 AM
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