bbBear's Spot

Sunday, September 11, 2005

One week on...

How do! It's been a week now since the last post, i was gonna write wednesday night, but obviously it didn't materalise through one thing and another, but still, i made time to chronicle the events of the last week. How lucky you are.

So tuesday night was indeed punk and ska night down in Canterbury, and mighty fine it was too. 3 bands, 1 punk and 2 ska bands that included Square (link would have been provided but for the lack of some sort of homepage!), which according to the Hives are the finest thing to come out of Sweden since themselves. I disagree myself but then again i do with most things. But it was a good evening, a taster of things to come when i move back down permanantly next sunday. Like i said, pix would have been uploaded but for 2 things - 1.) the darkness in that place was, um, dark 2.) the lack of effort in transferring pics across. But they will feature on the site soon, i promise. Well actually scrap that, i don't promise, but i will do my whole-heartedness to do so.

Have you been clicking on the links provided in the last post? If not, why not? What else do you do on the internet - "talk" using IM programs? Pah - perhaps your one of the fancy ones to use Google Talk, or the elitist amongst you using Skype, which offers so much in the future market of VoIP, but still click on the right there - they are good, well most are, some are just decrepid and insepid. But speaking of Google, who in their right mind would search for ""talk dirty on msn" 2005"? Even worse, WHY AM I A RESULT ON THERE??

Why am i linked to all them dregs on the interweb? Bahhhh, although props to the guy who sent me that link - i do worry about him, i do honestly. He's like, a hybrid of Richard O'Brien from the Crystal Maze and Jim Bowen from Bullseye. Just not as handsome - or rugged - or humane. Also, click here to see why I seem to result in from this search place? Magic Darts!!

So with one week left here, one week in employment, i sense a sad farewell on the horizon, but with Daniel Powter on my cassette walkman, i fear i can tackle anything - anything except being linked on Google by some other turn of phrase. IF you wanna get in contact, use the email address to the right or do leave comments, i do read them, sometimes. If your bored, read the story on how the Japanese PM tightens his grip on power after winning the election gamble, perhaps it was a gamble on whether he would indeed win the right to serve office again. Or maybe i should actually read the story links i give you heh. Anyway peace out peeps, and KEEP DONATING to the Katrina Hurricane Relief Fund


Music - Counting Crows - Friend Of The Devil


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