bbBear's Spot

Monday, April 04, 2005

10 years? 20 Years??

Shit bitches - Angela is going downtown!!

If you have no idea what i mean, then shame on you. Bear cast's aspersions on to you. Hehe, but no it is the fabulous Coronation Street, which i do adore. At the moment, well for a long time it has been absoloutely top notch, nothing else can compare to it, not Eastenders, and that waste of space, piece of shit Hollyoaks.
I have no idea whats gonna happen, and i like it to stay that way, for heaven won't help those who decide to email/msg me with story lines that they picked up from the font of knowledge "The Sun".

In my life, i have known a number of people. Some who have stayed, some who have gone. But you gotta go some to find someone as prodigious as Lord Boulder. He is an absolute star in a sky full of misery and blackness, and feel humbled to be assosciated with such the Lord. Do check out his blog, I did and was overwhelmed by his tribute to me. For that I will never thank the Lord enough, I hope I can do some justice by promoting his site along with mine. Plus his blog is an absolute laugh, it is worth a read, hence why it is an essential linkie. Go on, treat yourself, click on it now.

Now, Neopets has gone down for maintenance, which sucks major ass, so now I have some time to spare. So what to do with it, revising? Ha no, i'll be off watching Friends S7x23/24, or a.k.a "The One With Chandler and Monica's Wedding". Should actually be really good, haven't seen that ep for a while. And don't y'all me giving that BS that you don't like Friends, all those femme fetales out there with box sets galore who love Friends, more than me anywho. It is my dream that one day we can rejoice and have a Friends Marathon! I did watch a whole season in 6 hours, just, me thinks, so do try to do the same and lemme know how y'all get on.


Music - Reel Big Fish - Dateless Losers


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