bbBear's Spot

Friday, April 08, 2005

Hey! Who wants to pound...

Argh man, this is the second time of writing, seems went downtown, although for half the night it worked on Firefox, hmm i think this is biased on the the majority of users who use IE. I use both so thats wavy-davy.

So now, remembering from what I tried to write last night before it got "lost" in the "404" of I.E, i like to think nothing disgusts me, makes me wince or put my head in my paws, but last night, whoa. The first episode of Season 9 of South Park was disturbing, yet the funniest thing i've seen in ages. I know these guys have hardly any morals, and has known to cause controversy in the past, but this season, based on the first episode, seems to be the most purile yet humorous season of them all (although season 8 was pretty good.). So do watch it on Sky, Comedy Central, however. To sum up the first episode, "That woman over there was trying to get to her balls, that were in the knees of a black child whose father is a dolphin". Yeah, thats what i thought.

Now my mind has gone blank, anything useful to note, or trying to remember from last night has vanquished into the afternoon. 1 thing though, do look out/listen out for Oasis' new song. My opinion? Vid - OK. Song - crap. To all you fanboys who would kiss the ground they walked on, remember its an opinion. MY OPINION. Not the consensus of the country. It isn't Live Forever, but then again what is, Little By Little? The Hindu Times?? hahahahahahahahaha

*ahem* That it's gang, i'm off to do something useful, like listen to Catch 22, so have a good weekend and remember to leave comments, thats what they're they're for. If i have spelt that right. Cheerio!


Music - Avril Lavigne - He Wasn't


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