*Yawn* Bloody sailors
It never ceases to amaze me the struggle it is at the beginning of each post to think of something to start the post off, I mean, i have to rely upon my wit and ascerbcy to kick start this, so trust me it's hard, just Don't Believe The Truth, whatever you do.
So why do i yawn and curse sailors, or anything man-made that moves on the ocean? Well recently returned from the seaside and it was pretty awesome in fact, although it's made this Bear sleepy, so i'll have to OD on Coke to stay awake and not get eaten by lions, or humans.
Anywho so much to get through, so little time, so firstly, i aim to ban private i.p's from accessing this site (10.3, 192.168 etc), it isn't worth my time or energy to deal with them, so gimme strength and time and that should be corrected. Second of all, I put a contact thing on the right hand side, under "Contact", i have not made it a mailto:: link, for the simple reason from this site, which i will quote:
"I'm not going to provide a mailto link to prevent spam harvesting"
Don't e-mail me asking things that can be wrote on teh comments, like "you suck" or "we love you". That's why I have comments on here, although not many people use them. The shame. E-mail if you want your site put on ESSENTIAL LINKIE!!, believe it or not I do generate a lot of traffic, so your site WILL be seen. So email me to the right, if you can't see it or just lazy, its "bbBear_UK(at)yahoo.ca", just remember to replace the (at) with a @ sign. As if you didn't know that already.
So that's it, if your bored then I implore you to play a great game called Kitten Cannon, and see if you can beat the high scores SET HERE!!
Music - Duff Muffin - Mr Mischief
Forza Milan
Ai miei lettori italiani, niente compenserà per la perdita di ultimo nite, tuttavia, che cosa non li uccide marche noi più forti, così nella vostra ora di nerezza, ricordisi della luce che lucida sopra attraverso, e conservazione che crede che l'anno prossimo sia anno de Milano. (p.S Scusi il mio povero italiano anche!)
Just briefly, i'm sure you've noticed some changes to this blog, not aesthetically pleasing, but still pleasing to me. Over on the right hand side i've added another ESSENTIAL LINKY!!, quite I do it in red i don't know, but yes, another linky, and also some links below that, where the neopets buttons are, are one of my favorite bands at present, they are awesome and hopefully will be HOOGE come, well i dont know when. Aside from that, nothing much has changed, still getting foriegn visitors from IceRocket trying to find alternatives to BTEfnet. *sigh*
Anywho that's about it, except i've been doing some, and will continue to do some thinking which isn't for me the most pleasant thing, but still, should we leave things in the past to the past, or try to make them into the present? Meh, who knows, but if people expect changes you'll hopefully try to understand why...
Music - The Starting Line - Playing Favorites
Hehe, Alpha...
So there goes possibly one of the greatest guest actors to grace the set of Weatherfield, with his awe-inspiring big words and linguistic skills. Yes, (Sir) Ian Mckellen, of Xmen and LoTR fame decided to descend and grace Coronation Street, and what a performance he turned out, i haven't been that impressed since WAYNE!! was in it. It goesto show, that for a top soap to attract a great actor as Mckellen, you can't be doing all that bad, and does make me laugh when others can only attract Z-list celebrities hahaha.
So now, this site, well so much to say so little time so here we go, buckle up kids, and buckets are to your right if you need to throw up from the velocity. The first thing to note is the change of colour, this was under some advice it can be difficult to read, but i loved the font colour! So i hope this is better, if not i'll change it again. Second, I haven't as yet altered the images and the links on the right, this isn't another bbBear.com debacle of not updating it, i just decided Google News decided a second lease of light. Yeah yeah, dont thank me, thank cottage cheese. Thirdly, i noticed a number of websites a number of foriegn visitors coming to the site due to my ramblings about alternatives to the TV torrent group BTEfnet, on sites such as IceRocket. So to reiterate, don't come here looking for alternatives. Remember, you can click, but you cannot hide. Hear that students of the 16-24 year demographic?
So anyway this weekend, the shambles that was the Eurovision Song Contest, i mean why does the UK enter? Not cos we're shit, in fact I thought we wasn't too bad, but the politics ruins it all, and now the bloody Balkans enter, voting 10 points for their neighbours and all that crap so they don't repeat the Bosnian Serb war of 95, i mean it's pathetic (Final Standings here). But congrats to the winners, (full story here) and may the UK, France, Germany and Spain not enter next year, in protest of how its become a joke and a debacle, and how us 4 contribute the most and get f*ck-all for our trouble. Come on Mandelson, do your job and complain!!
So on that note I'ma head out and catch some rays, do check out Dave's work blog, now he updates it every day its a jolly good read, and Lord Boulder's? Well, he has some crazy fans out there, thank goodness they don't traverse onto my blog. Perish the thought...
Music - Less Than Jake - Chris Takes It On The Chin
Part one... Completed
Bonjour one and all, welcome back to the site. Like i mentioned prior, changes were planned and boy have changed been made, Well, boy AND girl if your of the non-penis kind to read this. Maybe you have both, which would be a turn up for the books, and bring excitement to my 1-D life.
So what changes have been made i hear you ask? Well, in the top right hand corner you'll notice a Paypal button, to help donate money to me in order to get me an external hard drive. Please note it is NOT linked to the Armadillo Video, which was present in the last post, so don't go donating in the top right hand corner thinking its for them, its NOT. Link to donate to the Army can be found here. As well, i've set up a .tk URL, so if you find the URL in your address bar too long to remember, then remember http://www.bbbear.tk, however, beware the pop-up as it brings you to an advert, which has NOTHING to do with me. But as mentioned, this is only part 1 complete, the second part should be up and good to go from next week, so hold onto your genitals as i drop the hot shit later, with news from E3!!!
Nothing else to report, oh except the hypocrites that is America saying about The Sun's pictures about Saddam (clicky here!!). I mean, when the photos from Abu-Gharib was shown of US soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners it was "Hey, why should we care, i got supersized in McDonalds!", and are the last ones to think about the Geneva Rights Convention in their "war", but now they use it as their weapon against the British media. Quite how The Sun got the pictures is anyone's guess, but will it sour America's relationship with the UK? Will American corporations stop culturally raping heritages across the Atlantic? Hmm, my guess is no, but then again I guessed that Charlton would get relegated from the EPL, *sigh* the dissapointment.
Anywho i'm off to enjoy some British products, like Cadbury's chocolate off a British girl, so have a great weekend and remember to wake me up when September ends... (VH2 7pm)
Music - The Ataris - Songs For A Mix Tape
The geeks (never) gets the girl
Huzzah to my followers, all of 1 of 'em out there who check this blog every 6 minutes for an update. Alas, I do not write new stuff every 6 minutes, for that would put this in danger of BOREDOM, and all kinds of strange exotic diseases that no one except one doctor on £100,000 hears of. Strange eh?
So this will be a geekish kind of entry, as i will be changing a few bits and pieces here and there to this blog. I'm not going to change the colors, cos i know you guys (and gals) like that so much that if I did change it, i'd get e-mails saying "Bring it back, bring it back!" and i'll be like "whoa peeps, calm it". So then a meleé would ensue and blah blah blah. So, I hear you ask, what AM i updating? Well, some of the stuff on the right hand side, maybe a counter there, add some ESSENTIAL LINKIES! and er, other razzmatazz, but I actually need to find the time to edit it, so expect these changes to be rolled out over the next couple of days. Oh, and hopefully make it a .tk site, so its easier to remember than the actual URL out there at the top.
So that's for later. But for the now, well I've heard things from E3, from my contacts. No, not contact lenses, for I don't have any. Anywho, I've heard all about Sony's PS3 and the Xbox 360, which all sound as dull as herpes, although out of the two i feel the PS3 would win, which hopefully proves that you can't throw billions of moolah around hoping to the best (Chelsea of course are the exception). I believe Ninty are making their announcements and stuff today, which should be good reading, if anyone is excited about it and want a snreaky peaky preview, then clicky here for pre-E3 preview. Whoa. It r0x!
So what to look forward this week? Well, changes to this site, Nintendo at E3 and new series of Scrubs, E4 tonight and Channel 4 Friday, w00000000t!!! So on that note, i'm off to begin planning changes, so adios peeps
Music - King Prawn - London Born
Spoilers below!!!
1 little detail before i proceed, and thats my apologies for the bad formatting that proceeded the last post, was blogspot's fault. Honest! i trust you all read it fine, and not skipped sentences and that, otherwise it would have made as much sense as Noah building his meaty ark in a drought. In Eastbourne. In June.
So now I hear the final results of the English Premier League (EPL to my across-the-pond peeps), and dear me team of the day should be Bolton, for their fantastic win against Everton, however sense prevails and today it is West Brom, for their fantastic 2-0 win over Portsmouth. You gotta hand it to them, they did do well with Captain Marvel at the helm, and it dissapoints me to see Southampton go down after 20-odd years. The optimistic Norwich, who got hammered 6-0, surely didn't benefit from Delia's cooking, and Crystal Palace, well the less said about them the better, no doubt trams will be flying around Croydon city center tonight. w00t!!!. So who do we look forward to come August? Well, Sunderland and Wigan for sure, so it should be a good season, now that Palace are finally gone.
Enough of that, and what other news to report? Well, more fighting in Uzbekistan, the new X-box 360 launched on MTV, of all places. So there's me off to get very excited with the prospects of Doom 4, and Project Gotham Racing 3, or 53, like i care. A-ha! Yes, the E3 expo is this week, myself am eagerly anticipating Nintendo's new console, codenamed Revolution, although they have said it isn't likely to change the world. Mysterious stuff... But they always have a knack for fun games that anyone play, not that you Sony and Microsoft fanboys know about that, so you think i care what those 2 d*cks do their? Like hell i do, so expect intermittent news I hear from E3, and lots of fantastic news about Nintendo. If you want to join the other fanboys praising Sony's PS3, then I advise you to just-f*ckin-google-it, or press the X in the top right hand corner and get bent.
On that happy note I shall bid you all a fond farewell, I'm getting sleepy from the musings on here, although the excitement of Nintendo at E3 will keep me awake, for Match Of The Day tonight, and my apologies if you were waiting for the result. Just teaches you that you can't trust anyone these days eh? Oh, i'll be making guest appearences in the aftermath of the carnage that will ensue tonite, so if you see me, say hello, and expect a cream pie, perhaps cherry flavored for your troubles. Safe yeah?
EDIT** To the person who wrote that oh so "funny" comment on the previous post, i got your i.p address logged so expect to hear from me soon.
Music - Sum 41 - 88
Hahahaha! Read below though...
I just heard the sad, sad news that BTEfnet went down, for good (clicky here for chat about it) apparantly,
the MPAA for some reason unbeknown to me have got involved with their size 16's in the affairs of
TV programs and taken 6 sites down. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. What you O.C and 24 fanboys gonna do now eh, scrabble
around looking for BTEfnet alternative? Well i make myself clear i am NOT going to recommend any
sites that may contain TV shows, downloading TV shows is illeagal and infringes many copyrights which
do not belong to you. So stop being a penny-pinching smartarse and either buy the DVD or get Sky. sheesh.
So, aside from that, what else is there to report? Well, USA Today reported that people actually
favor eating unhealthily than healthily, which bucks the trend against all the chubby people who
try to sue fast food places for their own obesity (but cannot now due to the 2004 Cheeseburger bill. Magic!)
I mean, its not their fault, they provide an option, a choice. YOU choose to consume their food in vast
quantities, being the greedy people you are, and complain when YOU get fat. How about YOU do some
exercise and stop bitching. Sheesh
I just realised at the end of this i said sheesh twice, but its in good stead. Honest. It makes me
mad that students think everything should be free (music, tv shows) and fat people complain when
they get fat for eating unhealthy foods 24/7. So to reiterate:
1.) I will NOT advise anyone about downloading illegal things, for risk of blockage
2.) YOU should do some exercise
So anyway, i'm off to conquer Mario Party 4, which I BOUGHT, so i bid you kids a fond farewell and
a pleasent, non-illegal weekend. Oh and check out Lord Boulder's blog, some fans want him to
be in Speedos dancing. *sigh* P.S Comments are welcomed here.
Music - Mad Caddies - Drinking For 11
3 (doors) down, 1 to go...
Yo, word!
Nearly a week has passed since my last post, so I thought i'd brighten up your weekend and add something diligent and noteworthy. Not that theres much, but hopefully enough to quench your thirst like a can of Mint Sprite, not that i'd shamelessly promote a product, naughty! Stop thinking such heinous things!
So now, whats different this week, things that ahs happened that wasn't the case from my last post? Hmm, well as the title suggests, 3 exams have been and gone, just one final one on wednesday, which is also the penultimate That 70's Show, and the last episode of Scrubs, so its shaping up to be a miserable wednesday :( As well, never did the Mario 64 speed run, my time and attention was taken away by Paper Mario 64 instead, it really is a great game, but alas, I don't have the time to finish it. So that will have to wait several weeks before i get my greasy paws on it again.
Now is the winter of discontent, or so somewhere once said, so on that fine note i'll be leaving you, getting the final touches to go out and do something unholy things that would make any Bear blush, especially this one, although I indeed will be one of the unholy tonight, so the final things to report is if your a fan of ska/ska-punk music, check out this website, a ska radio station which plays the hot shit 24/7. Absolutely awesome. Anyway peeps have a great one and to all my dawgs taking exams, the best of luck to you.
Music - Go Jimmy Go - Soul Arrival
Soy caliente...
On this glorious (perhaps) morning, i am the Bear-er of good news - i won the Mario Party 2! Is that, a round of applause i hear in the horizon, the chanting from a society decreeing me, God? or Todd? It really is hard to hear over the wolf-whistles and what not. So yes, my dominance and stranglehold shone through, and won quite handsomely. I wish i had screenshots/grabs of it, but alas, it wasn't played on a PC emulator, thats right, a REAL n64, and secondly, never thought of videoing the prestigeous event. Well, i mean it could have lasted hours, and i thought the most you could have got out of a tape was 8 hours?Excuse me, while i sit here racking my innards thinking of what else to write about. Not that i don't have glorious stories of me in battle, naturally winning, but i guess being this early my brain still hasn't developed yet, if i delayed this post by a number of hours than it could have been an Pulitzer prize winning article. But alas, youll have to make do with a non-chalant half effort. I guess if you get bored, you can read this *yawn* fascinating article on what David Beckham might consider doing now he's turned 30. Read this insight here.To conclude this post, a couple of related articles. I won't be doing a Mario 64 speed run, why? Well, i didn't really think it through, and to ocmpete the game within say, 2 or 3 hours (i forgot the math) is possible, i can't be bothered to play the game several hundreds of times to perfect the run. So maybe some day i will. Ahh, on the right, on my ESSENTIAL LINKIES, you'll find new posts by both these chaps (ABOUT TIME!!). I must say, Dave did take his time the lazy git writing his new post, so go on, click on it, see what crazy stuff he's campaigning against now. Anyway i'm off to revise a bit and play Paper Mario a bit later on, to which i believe i can do a speed run. Just not today.bbBearMusic - Natasha Bedingfield - Unwritten