What you gleam from the media
Upon the front page of the Daily Express, to which i read (not as avidly as before) was the story of Debra Lafave, the teacher in America who's charged with all sorts of funny terms for hanky panky with a minor (FULL STORY HERE). I mean, yeah she's got issues but wouldn't you slam that hottie? Well, thats for y'all to decide, but the whole case has thrown into the spotlight (yet again) the whole "Should the legal age of sex be brought down?", to 14 or something. As immoral as that sounds, you gotta ask is it? It does seem that nowadays not just in the U.K but in most countries, or those that show sybdicated programs like Friends and Big Brother that kids these days are more sexually active than those at 30-40 years of age. It certainly would reduce red tape and a lot of bureaucracy but still, all the do-gooders with their morals saying "You can't do that" and all that. Something to think about.
This does seem to be a more media-related post, so to compliment this, then I must digress about the Fox News Channel (Sky 531). I know how much some people like it, and would swear by it, but if you actually sat and watched more than 10 minutes of it, you'd get to realise sometimes what a heap o' crap it really is. For example David Asman continued his campaign to offend every other country on the planet. This time, he managed to insult Europe, an entire continent, & his excuse was "the environment". I mean, given that somewhere along the line all of FNC's guests are related to News Corp, or linked to the US Govt in some skewed way, it doesn't do much to support its motto of being "fair and unbiased". I think for the next few weeks i'll study CNN with the same cynicism as FNC and post about them, although they were a lifesaver a few years ago for me, which hardly can be said about FNC and Cavuto in particular, pfffffffff, don't even get me started on that.
So as for myself, with the apparant lack of notable work except screaming every time FNC shows the weather in every conceivable place on the planet, there hasn't been much to do. As this year's Big Brother does nothing for me except using the "power" button to turn it off more predominately than before, it's time to get out the classics, Big Brother 1 and 2, only on VHS of course! Although shit i gotta blow the dust from my VCR player but i tells yer, when i see Darren and Craig again, oh the joy and the unrepugnation.....?
If you want something to mull over in the conclusion of this post, word is News Corp, the company Murdoch owns recently took over Myspace ("MySpace is an online community that lets you meet your friends' friends"), the 6th most popular domain/site on the whole Interweb. If you lived in New York, and bought the New York Post, subscribed to DirecTV and had a Myspace account, your whole media and news coverage would be own by Fox. Scary shit innit!
Music - Interpol - PDA
Its been a while
As my good buddy Aaron said, it has been a while. I actually never planned to write tonight, but i noticed a surge in traffic, and when i mean a surge i mean Google's servers couldn't handle it baby...umm...well ok maybe it didn't get as bad as that. but still, it increased through linkage from one person's MSN Space, no it wasn't mine and no i'm not going to do the "honour" of mentioning their site, do i think they deserve it? No. Do they care? Probably not, but still, anymore linkages from this site and pooooooooof, off they go. Well, of it goes i guess.
So its been over a week since a good post, a GOOD post, not ones where i promise to reveal my cleavage at the thought of comments, or ones from FWDS and RE's that "wayyyyyyyyyyy kewl" to share in my inbox. I mean, whats a guy to do when his email address is plastered over the inter-flora-web and finds himself getting a load of forwardededed emails a day? Well, i BAH-LETE them, then block them. Well, mebbe not as bad as block them, but report there email address as junk/spam. Ahhh, wait till my friends at Yahoo! servers notice these, hotmail accounts that are forwarding spam and "emotional" letters to me. Is it g33ky to have friends at Yahoo!? Do i even know the correct grammatical use to use at the end of Yahoo!? BAHHHH leave me alone, im sick-a gettin' my hair pulled
Hmmm, well what have I been upto? Oh, a plethora of charitable activities, to tweak at the heart string of adolescent females, who get wet at the sight of me, or Will Young, or umm, whatever people's makes adolescent girls moisted. Add in a pinch of, luck, and a tablespoon of Harry Potter, then you add up to my week. Different from the rest, nothing like the best. So thats about it, but who knows, with the right kinda comments, i could, talk dirty on MSN, or Yahoo, and promise exclusive content shots and........WAIT A MINUTE. I thought i was a hot teen grrrrl again, copying and pasting the shit THEY write on their blogs. Well, no adding on MSN, no comments FUCK ALL is what you'll get, aside from pissed off that you believe its YOU i'm talking to when it isn't.
So that my frenz is me outta town, who know's when i will write again. Perhaps tomorrow, perhaps when some peopels writes a comment. Or perhaps i'll ban all persons who linkeh from that specific site from earlier. Well, im off to NYC to buy me the new Harry Potter booook, i will leave y'all to buy it on Saturday/Monday and if you give the game away, POOOOOOOOOOOOOF. Oh to the guy who likes KT Tunstall, right back at ya bud. Shepherds Bush Empire in november? Yes please!
Music - Embrace - Wonder
It's good to be a man...
It's Good To Be A Man: For instance...
- Wedding plans just take care of themselves.
- The garage is yours.
- Your last name stays put.
- Car mechanics tell you the truth.
- You don't give a rats ass if someone notices your new haircut.
- Wedding dress: £2,000... Tux rental: £100
- New shoes don't cut, blister or mangle your feet.
- Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.
- A five day holiday requires only one suitcase.
- You can open all your own jars.
- You get extra credit for the slightest bit of thoughtfulness.
- Your underwear is £8.95 for a 3-pack.
- You don't have to clean your apartment if the maid is coming.
- You don't mooch off other's desserts.
- You can drop by a friend's without having to bring a little gift.
- You are not expected to know the names of more than five colors.
- You almost never have strap problems in public.
- The same hairstyle lasts for years...maybe decades.
- You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache.
- You can Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24th in 45 minutes.
- One wallet, one pair of shoes, one colour...all seasons.
- If someone forgets to invite you to something, he or she can still be your friend.
Music - Howie Day - She Says
Happy Fourth Of July!....
.... a.k.a Independance Day to my peeps across the pond. You can imagine one nation udner God, eating their turkey with cranberry sauce, yams, nutloaf for the meat-impaired. It reminds me of those classic Friends episodes, where Monica would make a huge turkey, and Phoebe, well she'd be herself with stories of the street, and Chandler (bless him) would try and impress the rest with his story of the worst Thanksgiving anyone has ever had, well between the 6 of them anyway. Just talking about it........makes me in the mood........ *ahem* but still hopefully one and all will enjoy the festivities, not that I know whats happening, i'm sure there'll be more turkey, some fireworks, and ol' Dubya making a half-arsed speech slurring into his eggnog....(FULL STORY, WELL A STORY ANYWAY ABOUT IT HERE)
Not a long post as people to see, things to do, but I tell ya what, MSN spaces don't 'arf piss me off, with his crummy formatting, about 16 million colours to choose from and BLAHHHHHH, dahm it. I still live by my decision to use it in parallel to this site, though I feel it needs sprucing up a bit, maybe a lick o'er paint, some linkehs, all that kinda stuff. Who knows? IF i get the time from Friends episodes and eating turkey then maybe I just will......Oh and to the random visitors on MSN, LEAVE A COMMENT (please?!), well the same could be said for the Blogspot one too......y'know just a lil' message, saying "Howdy" and all that...
Music - KT Tunstall - Other Side Of The World
Censored by Fox News... Apparantly
Well howdy, it seems with every passing day the amount that i wish to write about
decreases. It starts out with an acorn and gradually gets smaller and smaller.
I could go on discussing the wrongs of the church, and how shit it is to have scum
working for them (LINKY HERE), or how Bush wants answers to the new Iranian leader's past, but at the end of the day, who is it benefitting. Me, for releasing these thought into the community? You, for being more informed than you already are? The public? Well all these questions and more could be answered if i sat down and thought about it, but when there's The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News, who wants to?
So whats been happenin? Well, nothing much if im being honest. Just a whole lotta thinkin,
and inner monologues running all the time, about this subject and that subject, all
this thinking makes me miss important things on FNC, which makes me sad. You want me to
digress? Well, not now. Later, my pretties... But for now, i should actually start writing that
TV script thats beein in my mind for the last 3 weeks, but if anyone has seen Dave Gorman's
Googlewhack Adventure, y'all know where i'm comin' from, am I right?!
Saddam: You may have seen me in my pants thinking im well hung... Isoon will be!
Anyone wishing to contact me, do email the link on the right, on the MSN spaces site i may include an MSN address, buts neither here nor there. Oh, want something to read/watch? Click here, i know someone who would really enjoy it... i'm now off watch...guess what...
Music - Rob Thomas - Lonely no More