bbBear's Spot

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Los Lectores Opinan

I couldn't be bothered with an English heading so i decided to borrow one from Diario's website.

I know i know, a lack of an update, I hear all. But why? Why should you care whether i write today, tomorrow or the next day? You could call it a fad, like the tamagotchi, but i can't envisage this lasting alas. But do keep checking up, you never know i may change my mind. But not tonight, for my mind isn't as it is. Why? Well i've been in Guildford most of the day. Why? Well, I don't reveal my life, as i know people don't, so why the f*ck should I? Might go against the idea of a "blog" but then I never was one for going with the norm. Only crazes. Like "emo" *Shudder*

People, yes they make me wonder, with their insepid ideas, their lack of closeness, their incandescnet aloofness. Makes you wonder what its all about nowadays, i mean, how many people on your phone would you call, right this very minute, roughly? One, maybe two? Females would say more but enough on that shit. Now, how many people would you like to recieve a call/SMS from? Around 20/30? Well, take that philosophy and implant it to everyone, and you can see nothing happens, everyone goes around with the same thinking and no one contacts anyone. The time difference between when you speak to people from one time to the next, all kinda shit happens, stuff you expect, stuff that shocks you. The art is expecting the unexpected.

But still, even to someone as aloof as me, people still manage to make me wonder what it's all about. And that sucks.


Music - McFly - Hypnotized

Monday, March 28, 2005

R.I.P Paul Hester

You may look at the name and wonder who he is.

I wasn't going to write today, but thought it was appropriate to mention the passing of Paul Hester, the drummer of Crowded House (Full story here). To me they made the most inspirational and amazing music i've heard, and i guarantee 90% of you will have a song by them, so it's with great sadness to hear of his death.

R.I.P Paul


Music - Crowded House - Don't Dream It's Over

Sunday, March 27, 2005

This is a no-smoking area. Thank you

Yes I know it's been two days, but still, can you people not get enough? Would you like me to spend every waking moment describing my life and its contents?

Sheesh. Anywhy yes I have been AFK for the past couple days, for I am a busy person, with things to do, people to see, business to sort out. So be thankful I've taken 5 minutes spare to sit down in front of this mind-melting monitor. Yesterday was very good, out with old acquanitences hehe, although only two-thirds of The Cheesemeisters were present. The third erm third? Well, that i don't know, maybe they've deflected to the Gothic side, alas it breaks my heart to hear of such demotions. But to the people who did attend, my heart-filled gratitude, for it was ajoy to be a part of. Today? Well I was away then too, away from the noise, the flicker of a 75hz monitor and all that shit.

So what of the future? That, I do not know. My crystal balls shattered so the future is unbeknown to me. It may involve.... Economics, perhaps even supply and demand diagrams. But remember, to know the future is to not have one. Not only have i grown more mature (oi, stop laughin') but more philosphical, wiser like a Bear should.
If there is anyone, and i do mean anyone with a Neopet account, please do let me know. I is important for I have set up a shop in Neopia (link bottom right), and need a co-manager and/or contributor(s) to it. I don't mind lending NP to any new accounts to help them on their way, but the shop is getting bigger and bigger and its getting outta hand, with time and that, so I need people to contribute to it. Your commission for this deed? 50%. Yep, 50% of the money on the item will be returned right back at ya. So if you are interested, then do let me know. To all people who don't have an account, do get one, it is a great thing to do. To all you people saying its "too immature" or for "girls", how about you take my advice and go f... ...


Music - Catch 22 - Day In Day Out

Friday, March 25, 2005

Si el mundo era una etapa...

Hola senor/senoritas!!

You can't escape it, i mean it affects TV schedules which means my beloved Richard & Judy are not on, i despair for this nation I really do. But yes my beloved(s), it is Good Friday today! I mean why is it called Good Friday? Why not, Excellent Friday, or Satisfactory Friday, perhaps even Triumphantly Stupendous Friday? I don't think it has the same ring to it, but in a constantly evoluting society, it shouldn't be ruled out as another discharged by-product from my orifice. It is the weekend to eat chocolatey eggs, although they have been sold for a while now, so, like Christmas, it feels like it has been around for aaaagggeeess. Speaking of which, its only 240 odd days till Christmas, have you bought your loved one their gifts yet? It's better to get them now rather than later when it will be a mad rush to the habadashery to get the latest fad, such as a battery operated hammer, or erm a tea strainer.

I have not as yet jiggeldy-pokeryed with the stuff on the right, I have been *ahem* busy. Never fear, it will happen. When you least expect it... and i bet half of you wouldn't notice. Such is life. But you cannot help those who cannot help themselves. Except shoplifters, those funk-meisters seem to have it licked.

As for me? Well revision and Neopets seem to be the answer. I could sit outside in the bright yet mildly tepid sun, and get everyone slighty going with a tan to match David Dickinson, but no. Inside is best, away from the bees that attack me in their droves. Speaking of which, anyone here have a Neopets account? I wholeheartedly recommend it, if not for the love and satisfaction you derive from your "pet", but just playing games to earn neopoints is fandabadozy. If you do, drop me a line. After i've edited the right hand column.

Adios people, enjoy Triumphantly Stupendous Friday and don't eat too many eggs, or the results may leave you in a fragile state of mind. Kind of what happens when you listen to Razorlight for too long *shudder*


Music - Jimmy Eat World - Sweetness

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

It's all about (the way to Amarillo)

2 things that I particularly don't like:
  1. Getting up early
  2. The fact this website won't allow comments

Well i lie. You CAN post comments, but you gotta become a member of this site. I don't expect anyone to sign up to leave for comments, so later i'll edit the page so on the right (no not on the left) to show MSN/AOL/Yahoo! details.

So anywho, I got thinking last night about the music industry here in the UK. Always a pain in my side, looking at the top 5 singles in the UK, i mean I remember a time when getting 5 new songs into the top 5 made the news people. But now? No, it seems to happen on a regular occurance. Not this week, but has happened since and will. Who do you blame? Illegal downloads, the record industry, the media-buying public? Well i like to think all 3, especially the record companies, don't help. I mean, for years they bitch about how illegal downloads ruin the music industry, well this may be true, however, they find a solution in legal downloading (Napster, mycokemusic, iTunes etc) and yet they want to jack up the price of it to capitalise on it. I mean, doesn't this show the record companies for what they really are??

Going back to the chart this week, I spy the mighty McFly (yes i enjoy their pieces of music) and Peter Kay/Tony Christie are numbers 2 & 1 respectively. As its for a good cause, I can't say there doing any bad, and both are good songs. So please, do buy the single(s), don't download the sh*t flying round P2P or BT. i mean it is for Comic Relief, you people spend more on a drink or two in a bar, and whose benefitting, you? The NHS after one too many? No, you see you are helping under-privelaged people who really are in a worse position than you, no matter if you think "He/She won't sleep with me", or "How do i get her to like me when i'm in love with her?" is the only bad thing in your life, and all that bulls*it.

I mean grow up.


Music - Matthew Good Band - Fated

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The Beginning... Of The End

Well well people!

Let it be known that I am a follower of fashion. Well, not all the time, i do enjoy Machos Nachos, but i decided to get me one of them, "blogs". Why? Well apparantly, it is Websters (i believe)
word of the year. Plus my scribes and comments may get me into page 57 of google's search results. Fancy.
However it wont be them cam ones, all the girls pouting and shit, no just a "blog"-standard one hahaha.

Anywho, i doubt this will last very long, but do check up on it from time to time, comments and feedback would be wonderous. I may even get me one of them ".tk" accounts, so it looks professional, yet leads you back to this commercial website. If your interested, check out the about page of this company, it made me laugh it really did. To the left, o'er the right, ill include a link so you can bookmark this page, god knows whether its supports RSS, if it does then great! But um, who reading this would use RSS? You? Maybe. If the option is available, do take advantage of it, like free tic-tacs at a market stall.

I may be back later to discuss more, but dont expect personal shit, hey I could be sued for slanderous scribes on here, seeing how bloggers don't get the same rights as journalists, well in America anywho, if you want something to delicious to read,
then click on the Apple case, but dont let me get into all that.

Well, i could have done a better introduction, but i chose not to.


Music - MXPX - GSF