Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Monday, June 27, 2005
Welcome! Hola!
So anywho enough of that, what's going on in the world today? Well, it is with great sadness to report the death of Twice-Nightly Richard Whiteley (full story here). He was a legend, and Countdown won't be the same without him. TBH i doubt they'll continue much longer without him, only time will tell. If they do show the program today, i believe we should all participate as if we're contestants and see who can win, on this sad, tragic episode of countdown. Not that i'm good with the conundrums i mean shit dawg how you supposed to get OBYPHRLEB in 2 seconds? (Answers next time, or leave comments).
Aside from that, nothing much to report, luckily i managed to pass the exams woooooooooooooooooo, so that means celebrating with a pint of milk in one hand and my goolies in another and proclaiming to the world "I KNOW SUPPLY AND DEMAND GRAPHS", believe me you'll get as excited as I am, and probably join me in this ritual. Indeed, to help pass time I will watch Scrubs i believe, even though Season 1 DVD is being released soon, it is mighty tempting to buy all 4 seasons for £10...
So if your reading this, do leave comments - look, it says "Comments/Leave Comments" on here, don't be a random stranger, do say whats gwanin', and er have fun! I'll be off editing and formatting and all that bulls*it, so on that note, welcome once again, and remember, Love Peace and Hair Grease. Yum
Music - Leroy - Good Time
Friday, June 24, 2005
Whats.......your problem?
Now what else to report? Ugh, yeah I forgot, on the 27th of June, alas I will have caved in and jointly use both use this blog and my MSN Spaces one. What does that mean? Well, if you read the blog using this site then great! y'know, lets have some fun involving kinky latex suits and birthday cake. The other thing is if you read it on my MSN spaces site, it will be exactly the same as here, given a few minor changes, so both will be as updated as each other. *wail* Oh how I will miss this blog being an independant voice and site in the midst of the corporate greed that is MSN, however it isn't viable for me to ignore it anymore and my decision is final. However whichever site you visit, you are more than welcome, except 200.* users, they are leechers, yo. Anywho thanks to all that have left comments here, i fear they are one stop people, if not then great! y'know, lets have some fun involving kinky latex suits and some christmas pudding. If not, then i shall go forth into the distance and quagmire that is MSN and retrieve them using my rippling muscles and latex suits that will be fit to burst, through the muscles you know, not cos they're made of some shit biodegradeable stuff...
Now, thanks to thw emotion that this last indie post brings, i seem to have bit my lip too hard and its now on the floor winking at me, just caressing me and asking me to pick it up, put it in ice and going to the hospital so thats what i'll do, oh and catch some rays before the thunderstorms set in, you know, its surprising how buff i look with this tantastic tan, and all the ladies are like "Hey Bear, is it true what they say about bears" and i'll be like "Whats that?" and with a girly chuckle they say "Y'know, the bigger the bear, the bigger his" and i'ma like "oh-ho-ho, wouldn't you like to know" - calamity ensues and so on, i mean, come on yo, use your imagination(s), or has corporate greed took that from you too?
So take care kids, remember to leave comments and remember, " Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born." Check it.
Music - Matt Nathanson - Suspended
Thursday, June 23, 2005
New Sudoku-type Blog
Music - Eminem - Mockingbird
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
The Pumpkins? Together?! Again!?!
In a Tuesday.full-page advertisement in today's Chicago Tribune marking the release of the new CD, Corgan says, "For a year now I have walked around with a secret, a secret I chose to keep. But now I want you to be among the first to know that I have made plans to renew and revive The Smashing Pumpkins. I want my band back, and my songs, and my dreams."
The Smashing Pumpkins broke up in 2000 after playing a final gig at The Metro. The band racked up record sales (more than 25 million, with 1995's "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness" selling 4.7 million in the U.S.) and critical acclaim (two Grammys and several nominations) in a relatively short time; their debut album, "Gish," was released in 1991.
The Pumpkins have a tumultuous history. The band's lineup included drummer Jimmy Chamberlin, guitarist James Iha, bassist D'Arcy Wretzky and Corgan; Wretzky left after recording "Machina" in 2000, with former Hole bassist Melissa auf der Maur filling her spot in the tour, and Corgan has blamed Iha in postings on his Web site for breaking up the band.
LINKY HERE!!!, comments, if you wish
Music - Hanson - Lost Without Each Other
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Oh, word?
Dear bbBear,
Y R U so cool? Ma frenz think ur well buff! Can u teach us 2 b kewl?
Yo yo yo bbBear - - - what would you look like as a Japanese cartoon and what would it be about?
And there ya go really, in conclusion: IF YOU VISIT, LEAVE COMMENTS!!!
So asides from that, what else? Well, warm greetz to all who was out in town last nite, not that any of the mvisit the site, this is where a mass spam attack promoting this site will come in handy - in Yahoo! Games sites, and on IRC, the shit and dirge on EFNet, like #l33t_hax0rz. Pfff, global IP ban my ass. Special shout out to the second cheesemeister, who alas couldnt stay till the end but nevertheless enjoyed some of the town's cheese. I do gotta say he missed some fine cheese though, like Happy Days and some others that do escape me, but i ask him and for readers to unite and get an email petition to get the third and final cheesemeister out, seems he doesn't want to be in such an esteemed organisation anymore... I may have to advertise a vacancy for this soon if he doesn't pull fingers out of arseholes, his or anyone else's.
WEll now, after all that, it is now time for me to depart and enjoy this sunshine we're having and get myself as tantastic, not that i'm not anyway. Thunderstorms are on the horizon, and i do believe it was the great prophets Oasis who said "Some might say, that sunshine follows thunder..." Erm, yeah, so on that note, toodles!
Music - Guano Apes - Maria
Friday, June 17, 2005
Glad I'm not one of those....students.....
The seven Commandments of the student
1: Thou shall not wash.
2: Thou shall not abide the law.
3: Thou must take anything I like.
4: Thou must smell as bad as possible.
5: Thou shall ruin as many lives as possible.
6: Thou shall lie.
7: Thou shall not pray.
Thanx to the MSN space that had this! :)
Music - Blink 182 - I Miss You
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Thought for the day
A black man walks into a cafe one early morning and noticed that he was the only black man there. As he sat down, he noticed a white man behind him.
The white man said, "Coloured people are not allowed here."
The black man turned around and stood up. He then said:
"When I was born I was black,"
"When I grew up I was black,"
"When I'm sick I'm black,"
"When I go in the sun I'm black,"
"When I'm cold I'm black,"
"When I die I'll be black."
"But you sir..."
"When you're born you're pink,"
"When you're sick, you're green,"
"When you go in the sun you turn red,"
"When you're cold you turn blue,"
"And when you die you turn purple."
"And you have the nerve to call me coloured"
The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away...
~~~ Copy this onto your space and help erase racism! ~~~
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Head space for sale
In regards of this blog, i've thought about it long and hard, and it isn't getting the traffic i thought it would, it needs the oxygen of publicity to help it along its way. As well, it needs.......Trendy F;ash Templates.......and Irish Web Hosting......or does it? Well, for now i'm gonna mirror this blog with MSN spaces, yes i know it isn't what i want, but if it increases traffic to 1.9 TB a month, then it can only help, right? I will link it somewhere, don't know yet. But for the first news and first reactions to everything, STAY HERE!! BOOKMARK ME!!
I know not a long post, but you know, dooty calls. Yet I leave you on the news that 60% of American's believe that Tom Cruise's latest relationship with "Dawson's Creek" Katie Holmes is some pre-fabricated stunt. An even recenter (*sp?) poll suggest 9.7 out of 10 people doesnt really care. I guess the 0.3 of those who do care are the Ok! readers, and presumably spend what little money they have on gossip mags. Pfff. I'm off to begin writing these TV script, now i know how my boy Dave Gorman feels writing HIS novel...
Music - Britney Spears - Lucky
Sunday, June 12, 2005
09011 32 32 02
ISABELLA to 88368
Thursday, June 09, 2005
What the dillio?

Yeah, I mean, why is EVERYONE using MSN Spaces to write their blogs? C/us its so convieniently assosciated with Hotmail and your MSN "passport"? What a bunch of monopolistic shit, but then isn't that what's propelled Microsuck to be number 1 in terms of dominance in the computer industry?
In Celebrity Love Island (Till 7th of June), Isabella and Paul on a desert island, heh now that should be some good shit with them building a raft, albeit begrudginely for them then to tear it down and having to build a shelter (kinda like Gimme Shelter, the Stones classic!)! Fireworks should ensue in the episode on the 8th of June, yea im behind, so guess what, kiss mine. The Sharpester, in all his glory, ran away from the love shack from the Blonde one, for being a, "Quarter to nine - narcoleptic i tell ya!", or something like that, running to the Shabster? I forget something like that, embracing her lovingly, well as lovingly as can be for two platonic friends who have missed each other after being apart for like 10 hours or so. Oh how the group misses him evah so. And the rest - well they really didn't do much, 'cept Loos trumpin' like a good 'un, which reeeeeeked, given i have the only smell-o-vision TV set in the world, so yes, it did smell a bit of dutty egg.
So my friends, all two of them, ( or am i seeing double here), im off for some, outta town shiznat, so who knows when i'll update this, perhaps with a wi-fi laptop, or maybe give myself a break from the technological strain of life and leave gadjits behind. Chill, yo?
Music - Green Day - Nice Guys Finish Last
Monday, June 06, 2005
C'mon, vote that bell out
But who is this "bell" I so ask you to vote? It is Paul Danan, who hasn't really done anything worthwhile except get drunk and pick on Fran Cosgrove ( I would link to him but he hasn't done anything worthwhile either). Yes people, Celebrity Love Island is my latest obsession, and even though i dont care who the hell wins it, or who actually went last saturday, its better than the overhyped underperforming Big Brother shite, so i'll be watching it, even if its only to see that bell Paul make an arse out of himself with the new blonde sort, i mean to break poor Isabella's heart, damn that fool. Well vote him out - i'm not posting phone numbers as thats to vote him into the loveshack if i remember, when i do i will post like mad to get that unfaithful arse out.
So what else? Oooh oooh i forgot, 2 gigs worthwhile in september that i forgot to post about. Firstly, The Catch-It Kebabs play the Beercart Arms in Canterbury which will be fr33kin sweet, and secondly, THE FISH!!! IF i manage one of them it will be sweet, but both of them, OMFG i think i'll............i'll, well i dont know what i'll do, my poor paws will probably be skanked to death. Dear me. But if your a ska fan, no matter if you like one band or the whole genre, do NOT think about the theory of bands and what not, man i had a headache thinking about Streetlight Manifesto and Catch 22, even now I couldn't explain the conclusion easily, so gimme a while, yo? Oh, i'll also put the ska radio station Turn Up The Ska as a ESSENTIAL LINKIE!
Remember to replace the (at) with a @
Music - Bus Five - Heavy Metal Girl
Thursday, June 02, 2005
So much for my happy ending
Woooo, dunno what came over me, it was the power of that teen Canadian temptress, with her flowing locks and her overall general Canadian-ness. Dahm her!
So welcome to the first post in June, I'm glad you got here safely and didn't get lost in the quagmire of the interweb. Not much to report on this second day in June, firstly a new blog has appeared on my ESSENTIAL LINKIES! to the right there, more photo based but still worth anyone's time, and my Amazon Wishlist to anyone that wants to know what i'd want from that fabulous shop. Note, not EVERYTHING i want is listed on that wishlist, just music based, and its not a comprehensive list either, so I mean come on students and non-students (the lucky ones), use your initiative, or did you drink it all away.
Another thing i noticed, was on the "Hehe Alpha" post, i always mention what song i'm listening to the moment i press Publish post, alas on that post i got the name wrong, it isn't Chris who takes it on his chin, its Scott Farcas, urgh how i feel disgusted with myself for getting such a trivial matter wrong. As well, no new Strongbad email - what is it about this cursed month? It has produced some absolute gems, like Jeffries Fan Club, and Forces of Evil, but aside from that, nothing... (Check 'em out on the links provided or on my Wishlist)...wretched June....
So I was gonna play me some Mario 64, however the Royal Mail have screwed my ass over yet again, so i'll have to make do with Midtown Madness, with the awesome VW beetle... Heavy! If you get bored or miss me too much, check out this story about GM lowering the price of cars, it is interesting, i tells ya...
Music - Forces Of Evil - Fight